Saturday 15 May 2010

Confident Parents, Confident Children

Our children pick up all of our qualities, both good and bad, and confidence is certainly one of these. While they are very young, children are analysing your every move - checking you to see how you respond to certain situations and then they learn how to operate in the world. If you show them a lack of confidence, then they will pick this up and take it on as the way to be.

For example, if you have a fear of spiders and you run around screaming and shouting at the tiniest of spiders, then guess what, so will they. If you back down very easily in conversations with other adults, then they will do the same with their friends. Conversely if you never back down, or find it difficult to communicate and negotiate with others, your children will have the same experience interacting with their peers.

The truth is that sometimes it can really help when you have someone to set an example to. For example I know many people who don't like flying, however when they are with their children and are able to look after them, they don't display the slightest hint of the anxiety they are feeling.

The best thing is to show your children how to be confident and then they will pick this up. It's not something you can teach them with words, you have to show them.

Other things to read:
Confidence Course Cheltenham Gloucester Cirencester

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